5 Renovations That Will Get You ROI At Closing

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Home Improvement

Remodeling and renovating can make your home more enjoyable, while at the same time increasing its value.  When you go to sell your home, buyers are likely to pay more for a clean, well-kept property with modern updates that’s move-in ready. Here are 5 to get you started! 🏠 


1. G A R A G E  D O O R  R E P L A C E M E N T / G E L  S T A I N 

average return on investment: 90% - 92.8%

12 Garage Door Makeovers | Garage Door Ideas & Photos | Clopay

Like a full exterior paint job, freshening up outside entryways with new paint can go a long way. Since it's one of the first thing that a potential buyer sees, a good-looking garage door is high on the list when it comes to getting cash back on your investment. Although you can receive full-service garage door installation from most garage door retailers, doing it yourself can save you money on garage door installation costs,


DIY garage door install!


DIY Garage Door Makeover with Gel Stain | DIY | Fresh Mommy Blog


If you aren't looking to get a new garage door entirely, painting your current door with a gel stain is a affordable and DIY friendly option! The stain can be purchased at around $20 and the project only takes a couple of hours total!


Step by step DIY garage door stain!


2. B O O S T  C U R B  A P P E A L 


Yard Cleanups in Happy Valley, Troutdale, & Gresham, OR | J&C Lawn Care


 When it comes to boosting your curb appeal, it doesn't need to be expensive to be effective, but first impressions count! Some easy and cost effective ways that you can achieve this are to power wash the outside of your home, prune shrubs and trees, add fresh mulch and flowers to flower beds, or paint your front door.

Click here for more ways to boost curb appeal!


3.  I M P R O V E  E N E R G Y  E F F I C I E N C  Y

average return on investment: 60% - 80%


Mortgages on Energy Efficient Homes More Successful - Energy Foundation


Small updates such as adding extra insulation to your attic, sealing cracks around doors, windows, light switches, and electrical sockets will help your home when it comes to preventing energy losses. Many potential buyers will be turned off by drafty, single pane windows. Replacing them with Energy Star-rated windows can help save money on heating and cooling costs. This will not only reduce your energy costs, but also your carbon footprint.



Windows Climate Savings October 2018


Read more about energy efficiency here!


4. B O O S T  T H E  B A T H R O O M S

average return on investment: 87.7% - 93.5%


A Bathroom Makeover You Can Do This Year - The Cabinet Doctors

 Install new fixtures, brighten the room with paint or a wallpaper accent wall, re-grout the bathtub, replace mirrors...all of this can easily transform the look of a bathroom.

Read more about DIY bathroom refresh here!


5. R E M O D E L  T H E  K I T C H E N / U P G R A D E  A P L L I A N C E S

average return on investment: 62.7% - 81.6%


What's The Best Paint For Kitchen Cabinets? - A Beautiful Mess


Many prospective buyers are looking for modern and updated kitchens. This is the space that a lot of people use in their home to entertain guests. When remodeling a kitchen, start small at first! Replace the kitchen faucet, add new cabinet hardware, and replace old light fixtures with modern, energy-efficient options. Rather than replacing cabinets, paint the cabinets a new color or hire a refacing company to refinish the cabinet boxes and install new cabinet doors, drawers, and hardware. Appliances are something else to consider when trying to make improvements to your kitchen. If your appliances don’t match, consider ordering new doors and face panels from the manufacturer. This will give your kitchen a more cohesive look without the high costs of replacing the appliances. Consider replacing older appliances with new energy-efficient models, which are better for the environment and use less energy.


How to Replace a Kitchen Faucet - Beginner's Guide - The Handyman's Daughter


**All ROI averages were calculated by Remodeling Magazine Cost vs. Value Report from 2021.**

View the report here!